Saturday, December 21, 2019


Difference between Sympathy and Empathy

Sympathetic, fine but better still, be EMPATHIC: 

Difference between Sympathy and Empathy is, sympathy is a feeling of kindness you have for others but empathy is a step further when you feel as others are feeling.

Empathy is about sharing their woes. Empathic people are quick to realize the true feelings of others and would like to help or want to do whatever they can to alleviate their suffering. They are truly understanding, deeply observant and can listen to what has gone unsaid, can see what is being hidden.

They are the friends or relations who, at the first sight, can smell that everything is not right, in spite of the person saying it is. Because of their sincerity and eagerness to help, they, ultimately, find the truth.

   Empathic people are friends in need, with whom you can share your true feelings and ask for counsel or advice. Because of their sincerity, they shall give the best advice possible themselves or will not hesitate to ask someone else known to them for advice, who they think, might be knowing better. They are totally trustworthy, open-hearted, dependable and faithful.
They are always available for you, least assuming, always truthful calling spade, a spade, come what may.
They have a mind of their own. Such persons generally avoid crowd because they are rare and far between. They know that life is a marathon, not a sprint. Hence their advice, even if not appearing to hold good in the short term, but is always sound one, for the long term.

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