Saturday, December 21, 2019


What you want to be, a MASTER or a slave?
   Every individual has Two Entities residing within him, and a battle for domination between the two, is always on. Winner entity only decides what sort of life you will lead. Whether you cherish and relish the way you are living and love every moment or hate it calling it dull, monotonous & boring.

   First one is BAD, which is full of Anger, Greed, Envy, Discontentment, Ego and Arrogance. It feeds on resentment and guilt. It lies and cheats, is filled with pride, acrimony and a sense of inferiority, which often, gets converted into superiority complex in many people. It is then that you want to subjugate others, to lord over them. Your expectations from others become high, while you want to give nothing in return. Fulfillment of your desires is paramount for you and you have them in plenty, which results into tension-filled stressed existence. You are always in comparison mode, evaluating other person’s financial worth compared to yours or others. Your total outlook is always materialistic, greedy, money-oriented and phony.

   The other entity is GOOD. It is full of Joy, Peace, Love, Hope, Serenity, Humility, Kindness, Empathy, Generosity, Faith and Compassion. You are, giving and sharing type, helpful and kind, treating everyone with due respect, exactly the way you would like yourself to be treated. You know the correct perspective of money, like to share it and are neither spendthrift nor miser. In nutshell, you are a balanced person with lots of substance.  

   And the battle is always won by the Entity YOU CHOOSE TO FEED. If you are the first type, you are a slave to your desires. You will be hardly ever feeling good except for momentary highs, when your desires are fulfilled. In fact, your desires and cravings play major role in your life. First entity comes more naturally to most people, while  the second, GOOD one, you have to put-in lots hard work to imbibe.

   It is the duty of the parents to guide and coach their child from his/her formative impressionable years. Parents must become the loving guides of the child by personal example. Child’s mind can be compared to walking on the field of soft grass a few times. Soon a path will emerge. Child is the ‘field of soft grass’. Supposing the same field is littered with stones or other hard objects. Even after years, no clear path will emerge because as people age, it becomes harder to instill or imbibe good qualities or GOOD in them.

   It is easy to mould the child’s nature with second entity, if parents take good care of basic habits, instill right discipline, compassion and right character in the child. A child is like a free-flowing river when fresh inputs in the form of selfless unconditional love and caring guidance, are given. These qualities can be best instilled by parents in homes, not in school by teachers.

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