Hi, I have observed personally that visiting temple once in a week gives me extreme peace of mind.
In our day to day stressful life and office schedules, our brain got tired of thinking and concentrating towards computer screens. Spiritual thoughts remain untouched, which is very important for our soul.
Peace of mind is not related to only work, money and family.. but peace of mind can be attained by just thinking about supreme power which is invisible.
The existence of human being is definitely not only just to pass 24 hours in our day to day work, but it has a definite meaning certainly which is unknown to us and no body is to teach us, we have to take steps out of the time to spend 1-2 hours thinking in spirutual way, i.e. heavenly way.
Existence of God is invisible, but anyone can feel that supreme power in our day to day life. Our perception is that somewhere God exists and which is a proven thing. The only thing is that we don't give even 10% of the time thinking about the supreme power. Our mind get diverted to many unnecessary work which is irrelevant to our soul where extreme pleasure is hidden. We got stressed up and start blaming on our luck that our existence is of no meaning, which is actually not true. Our presence on this earth is very important for us and this universe. We are born to do something which is unknown to ourselves, and that unknown thing is sympathy, humanity, love, affection. etc. With that only we can think about a better world. We always think about God only when we are in trouble,
rest of the time we are busy in our day to day stressful work.
Today, my existence is because of this God only, i give 100% to our parents who is just the image of God. Every time i faced difficulty, that supreme power has pulled me out of that. Because i believe, something is there in the environment which is holding your hands 24/7 and are giving you bullet proof security guard which can penetrate the bullet only when your time is gonna end..
My Message:
Try to visit Temple/ Church once in a week, spend your time there even for 15 minutes, you will find sudden changes in your life.
Hi, I have observed personally that visiting temple once in a week gives me extreme peace of mind.
In our day to day stressful life and office schedules, our brain got tired of thinking and concentrating towards computer screens. Spiritual thoughts remain untouched, which is very important for our soul.
Peace of mind is not related to only work, money and family.. but peace of mind can be attained by just thinking about supreme power which is invisible.
The existence of human being is definitely not only just to pass 24 hours in our day to day work, but it has a definite meaning certainly which is unknown to us and no body is to teach us, we have to take steps out of the time to spend 1-2 hours thinking in spirutual way, i.e. heavenly way.
Existence of God is invisible, but anyone can feel that supreme power in our day to day life. Our perception is that somewhere God exists and which is a proven thing. The only thing is that we don't give even 10% of the time thinking about the supreme power. Our mind get diverted to many unnecessary work which is irrelevant to our soul where extreme pleasure is hidden. We got stressed up and start blaming on our luck that our existence is of no meaning, which is actually not true. Our presence on this earth is very important for us and this universe. We are born to do something which is unknown to ourselves, and that unknown thing is sympathy, humanity, love, affection. etc. With that only we can think about a better world. We always think about God only when we are in trouble,
rest of the time we are busy in our day to day stressful work.
Today, my existence is because of this God only, i give 100% to our parents who is just the image of God. Every time i faced difficulty, that supreme power has pulled me out of that. Because i believe, something is there in the environment which is holding your hands 24/7 and are giving you bullet proof security guard which can penetrate the bullet only when your time is gonna end..
My Message:
Try to visit Temple/ Church once in a week, spend your time there even for 15 minutes, you will find sudden changes in your life.
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